Democrats, based on party identity and/or hypnotic trance, will vote 95% of the time for the Democrat, and yet they switched parties in an 18% swing to conservative Glenn Younkin. Switched over Terry MCauliffe in the VA2021 Governor race. MCauliffe was the most prominent democrat in the nation besides perhaps HRC.
"Virginia democrat parents said no thanks to porn in the schools. The state does not own my children." T Cole
GRAPH 1A. Below. In the chart below we are analyzing sociatal issues and the voter groups that respond or don't respond to those issues. We are using trinary metrics (3) to evaluate target issues. The issues are on the left, X axis. Each voter group shown across the top has been statistically evaluated from voting paterns, data and records on each particular issue. Those issues are on the left of the chart, and each issue is given a score. The researched scores are trinary, only three choices… -10, 0, +10 per category. Or negative, neutral or positive.
Across the top of the chart are the various voter groups we evaluated. For instance we can see Dems are not as interested in so called family values, scoring a -10 in the top row gauging - Family Traditional. While Repubs in the next column over, score a +10 in the Family Traditional score.
At the bottom of the chart are the combined scores for each voter group. The higher the number = higher conservative views. And here we can see the Dems and the Repubs are diametrically opposed because their combined scores are -90 vs +90.
Note: The combined scores leave a total of +14.17% conservative views nationwide. Our study shows; but for D propaganda, media bias and overall disinformation, the nation is conservative by 14% points.

GRAPH 1C Below. A plain old graph showing, surprise the Dems are not conservative. They pull a (-90) on the conservative values scale. Zero being neutral on the various conservative issues. And Republicans score a +90. No wonder we are at odds.
Note: Every day Christians are not that conservative according to our numbers, coming in at -10. This is based on the survey from graph (1a) where Christians respond positive, neutral or or negative to our set of conservative issues. (See Graph 1a)
That lack of Christian conservatism could help explain why Dems have been taking over. Churches are becoming more secular. By trying to not loose more members, Churches are losing more stalwart Christians and becoming bastions of RHINOism. Note: If Churches are afraid of being political then why are they not afraid to embrace the leftists, woke ideologies? Should they simply remain religious? but that is impossible because religion and politics are inseperable. Even Jesus said Render unto Cesar what is Caesars and render unto God what is Gods. Virginia democrat parents said no thanks to porn in the schools. The state does not own my children.
The Youngkin voters are those 48% blue Virginia parents and relatives who switched away from DNC Gov Terry Mcaluliffe to Republican challenger Glenn Youngkin in 2021. In an 18% point swing to the Republicans, these parents took offense at Gov Mcaluiiffe telling them “Parents should not be deciding what is taught to their children”.
But even the Youngkin voters are not as conservative as Latinos. When looking individually on their basic beliefs the Latino community scores a +90 conservative matching pure Republicans. And yet they do not vote that way, yet. We propose to inculcate that community with the real truth about what Democrats believe and see how this vote swings to the right.

GRAPH 1B BELOW. This is the big daddy of charts. The area in green outside the zero ring, are voters that have conservative idealogical tendencies.
The (6) various voter groups are shown at the exterior of the disk.
All issues are equally wighted.
In Graph 1a, Each voter group is evaluated and given a score of +10 , 0 or -10 on the selected issues.
The green line shows at what percentage the propensity of a group is to vote for conservative values. Based only on ideology, values, tradition. Regardless of party platform.
For instance If Latino voters are shown a porn in school mailer, there is an 80% chance they will agree it is immoral and vote for the conservative candidate who is will oppose such porn in schools. Even if they are democrat voters as many of that community is, our studies show these democrats will flip.
A combination Democrat, Latino, Youngkin voter, has a 53% propensity to vote for said imaginary candidate, based only on Ideological preferences.
A combination Democrat, Latino, Values voter has a 60% propensity to vote for said Imaginary conservative candidate, based only on Ideological preferences.
If elections were not based on parties and were based on psychological voter propensity (PVP) alone, Republicans would win every election.
Democrats, based on party identity and/or hypnotic trance, will vote 95% of the time for the Democrat, and yet they switched parties in an 18% swing to conservative Glenn Younkin in the VA2021 Governor race. Over the most prominent democrats in the nation besides perhaps HRC.
Christians Psychological Voter Propensity score on conservative issues is below neutral, at -10. (See graph 1a)
